Dating Terms – The world of dating has come a long way from the days of the doom and gloom. Now there are terms for everything from Inflation-dating to Catfishing. Here are some of the most commonly used terms. Then there is “Obiting” – a former partner’s continued viewing of your social media posts and liking of them. This is similar to haunting but differs from Stashing, where someone actively tries to keep you hidden, such as leaving you off social media or not introducing you to their family.

Dating Terms
If you want to avoid falling victim to catfishing, there are some things you should know. The first thing is to be wary of people who are quick to fabricate a false identity. Catfishers are often able to pull the emotional strings of people by making up grand stories about their past.
One way to avoid being catfished is to do some research online and be wary of profiles claiming to be someone else. Some of these profiles may be photoshopped, old, or embellished. If you come across a fake profile, block it and report it to the site. You can also use apps to block and reject potential matches. To do this, swipe left or right to reject them, or super swipe if you really like the profile.

Dating Terms
Some catfishers use the identities of other people in order to gain confidence and self-esteem. They may use other people’s pictures and information to make themselves seem more like their target. They might also engage in illegal activities under the target’s name.
Ex’s skeleton in the closet
If you’re dating someone with a skeleton in the closet, you may not know it. It can be embarrassing to learn that your ex has a secret. In addition, it’s difficult to deal with a sequestered skeleton, especially if you’re dating someone who is close to his or her family.